Provider identification obligation according to § 5 paragraph 1 Telemediengesetz (TMG):

AKTIVA Company for Creditor Protection and Factoring mbH

Head office Solingen:
Walder Str. 9
42653 Solingen
Fon: 0212 59790
Fax: 0212 59728


Managing Director:
Dipl.-Ök. R.Oliver Reichenberg

Data Protection Officer:

Branch office Haan:
Am Kämpchen 5
42781 Haan
Fon: 02129 31071
Fax: 02129 33992


Commercial register:
Amtsgericht Wuppertal, HRB 14993
DE 120875958

Details of registration under the Extrajudicial Legal Services Act (RDG):

Licensing/supervisory authority:
Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf
40474 Düsseldorf

Registration authority:
Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf
40474 Düsseldorf

3712 E 1 – 6.136

Qualifizierte Personen:
Michaela Eck, Innenleiterin
Alexandra Valentin, Rechtsanwältin

Information on the name of the professional regulations and how they can be accessed:

AKTIVA Gesellschaft für Kreditorenschutz und Factoring mbH is subject to the professional regulations for debt collection companies, which are contained, among others, in the Law on Extrajudicial Legal Services (RDG) – in particular Part 1 (General Provisions) and Part 3 (Legal Services by Registered Persons) – as well as the Regulation on the Legal Services Act (RDV).

An overview of the laws and ordinances can be found on the relevant websites (e.g.

Closing statement of AKTIVA Gesellschaft für Kreditorenschutz und Factoring mbH (AKTIVA GmbH):

We have carefully checked the documents and information provided on our pages. However, they do not constitute legal advice and cannot replace such advice. Therefore, we cannot give a guarantee for completeness, topicality and correctness. AKTIVA GmbH accepts liability for the use of all information and documents provided only in the case of intent or gross negligence. Should our pages refer to the pages of other providers by means of corresponding links, AKTIVA GmbH is only responsible for their contents if it has knowledge of them and it is technically possible and reasonable for it to prevent their use in the case of illegal contents. AKTIVA GmbH checks the contents of external pages when they are first linked. However, we are not obliged to constantly check the external sites and expressly distance ourselves from their contents. Likewise, we do not assume any liability for external pages that refer to the pages of AKTIVA GmbH. Should you discover any errors on our pages, we kindly ask you to inform us accordingly.