Our path to a successful partnership
Because we know how complex a debt collection process can become, we have developed a 3-step plan for a successful partnership for our clients.
Step 1 - Starting
You start out of court, with a risk-free entry: No success – No costs. Very simple.
Step 2 - Consulting
As we proceed with your cases, we will advise you on further possibilities and opportunities, and also get to know your individual requirements.
Step 3 - Cooperating
Based on your individual requirements, the collection process is tailored to you so that we do not have to coordinate repeatedly in each individual case.
Do you have questions about our path? Then give us a call or get in touch with us using the buttons below.
We are here for you!
Our solutions
We have divided the solutions of different use cases for our clients into clearly defined service packages. Here is a comparative overview for domestic debt collection. The service packages are then described in detail below.
(1) Non-success = no payment/service by debtor
(2) In case of negative creditworthiness of the debtor and out-of-court continuation no costs; otherwise, in case of judicial continuation or titling, we charge a maximum lump sum for costs.

Out-of-court processing
Your entry without cost risk or for clients who only ever want out-of-court processing.
AKTIVA BASIC exclusively includes the extrajudicial processing of a debt collection mandate. Nevertheless, the measures included are not limited to the purely regular process (debt collection and lawyer reminders), but consist of further, very extensive measures, e.g:
- General research (legal forms, liabilities, addresses suitable for summoning) at offices and authorities (registration office, trade office) as well as numerous AKTIVA debt collection partners
- Telephone debt collection
- Correspondence with the other party and their legal representatives
- Processing of deferment requests, settlement offers and instalment agreements
- Monitoring of deadlines and dates
- Accounting, settlement and forwarding of third-party monies
In principle, the claim is monitored until it becomes time-barred.
AKTIVA BASIC is particularly suitable for your claims up to EUR 150. If you also want higher claims or generally do not want them to be processed in court, AKTIVA BASIC is also the right solution for you. Determine yourself the amount limit up to which your claims should only be processed out of court!
If the other party does not make a payment, you will not incur any costs with AKTIVA BASIC.
If the other party pays the total claim, you will receive 100% of your main claim.
Instead of AKTIVA BASIC, choose a service package that also includes judicial measures to significantly increase your chances of successfully processing the debt collection mandate. For more information on AKTIVA CLASSIC and AKTIVA DYNAMIC, please refer to the respective descriptions.
Use the button on the right to view the complete description of AKTIVA BASIC including the standard time schedule.

Judicial processing
Improved chances of realisation with capping of costs in case of non-success.
AKTIVA CLASSIC includes both the extrajudicial and judicial processing of a debt collection mandate and thus offers even higher chances of success. In addition, a free AKTIVA Debtor Check is always carried out before each judicial processing, which offers you further securities and procedural options.
In the event of a negative credit rating of the debtor, you decide for yourself:
- Should the claim be titled in order to prevent the statute of limitations and secure your claim in the long term? Then a so-called “titling despite negative creditworthiness” is carried out by AKTIVA.
- Should the claim not be titled? Then the debt collection mandate will be continued out of court until the statute of limitations expires.
If the debtor’s creditworthiness is not negative, court processing is automatically carried out:
- Application for the issue and service of the court order for payment (interruption of the limitation period).
- Application for the issuance and service of a court order for enforcement (title).
- Enforcement e.g. of assets, income, accounts and other claims of the debtor.
In principle, the claim is monitored until it becomes time-barred – for 30 years in the case of titled claims.
AKTIVA CLASSIC is particularly suitable for your claims above EUR 150. If you also wish to have lower claims or generally wish to have them processed in court, AKTIVA CLASSIC is also the right solution for you. Determine yourself the amount limit above which your claims should also be processed in court!
If the AKTIVA Debtor Check shows a negative credit rating of the debtor and the other party does not make a payment, you will incur no costs:
- no costs in the case of an out-of-court continuation of the debt collection mandate.
- in the case of a “titling despite negative creditworthiness”, flat-rate costs in the amount of EUR 30 plus VAT plus expenses for the judicial dunning procedure.
If the AKTIVA debtor check shows a non-negative creditworthiness and the other party does not make a payment, you will incur costs amounting to a maximum of a total lump sum according to the valid cost list. This lump sum includes all fees and expenses of AKTIVA, AKTIVA contract law firms and AKTIVA collection partners as well as all court and enforcement costs.
If the other party pays the total claim, you will receive 100% of your main claim.
Instead of AKTIVA CLASSIC, choose a service package that only includes extrajudicial measures (AKTIVA
BASIC) or in which the above-mentioned costs are paid in full, but an agreed commission is charged in the event of success (AKTIVA DYNAMIC).
Use the button on the right to view the complete description of AKTIVA BASIC including the standard time schedule.

Judicial processing
Improved chances of realisation with a commission settlement upon success.
AKTIVA DYNAMIC includes both the out-of-court and the court processing of a debt collection mandate and thus offers even higher chances of success. In addition, an AKTIVA debtor check is always carried out before each judicial processing, which decides on the further processes and measures.
In the case of negative creditworthiness of the debtor, AKTIVA will either, after assessing all legal and economic facts:
- Titrate the claim in order to prevent the statute of limitations and to secure your claim in the long term, or
- Continue the debt collection mandate out of court until the statute of limitations expires.
If the debtor’s creditworthiness is not negative, the case will always be processed in court:
- Application for the issuance and service of the court order to pay (interruption of the limitation period).
- Application for the issuance and service of a court order for enforcement (title).
- Enforcement e.g. of the debtor’s assets, income, accounts and other claims.
In principle, the claim is monitored until it becomes time-barred – for 30 years in the case of titled claims.
AKTIVA DYNAMIC is suitable precisely when, on the one hand, you can accept a commission in the event of payment by the debtor, but, on the other hand, you do not wish to bear any costs in the event of non-payment by the debtor.
If the AKTIVA Debtor Check shows a negative creditworthiness of the debtor and the other party does not make any payment, you will not incur any costs, regardless of whether the debt collection mandate is continued out of court or your claim is titled by AKTIVA despite the negative creditworthiness of the debtor.
If the AKTIVA debtor check shows a non-negative creditworthiness and the other party does not make any payment, you will also not incur any costs for the use of AKTIVA, AKTIVA contract law firms and AKTIVA debt collection partners.
If the other party pays the total claim, you will receive your principal claim minus the agreed commission.
Wählen Sie statt AKTIVA DYNAMIC ein Leistungspaket, das nur außergerichtliche Maßnahmen beinhaltet (AKTIVA BASIC) oder bei dem Ihnen die enstehenden Kosten pauschaliert in Rechnung gestellt werden, wenn der Schuldner keine Zahlungen leistet (AKTIVA CLASSIC).
Use the button on the right to view the full description of AKTIVA BASIC, including the default schedule.